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Mar 1, 2018

Ok, you're off orientation, there's no preceptor checking behind you, and you're on your own taking care of patients. How do you learn to trust yourself and your nursing judgment?

In this episode, we chat about how we began to trust ourselves as we transitioned off of orientation and into our own nursing practice.


Feb 22, 2018

Taking care of someone who is unable to interact or make their own medical decisions can be complex. In this episode, we discuss:

  • tips for talking to an unconscious patient and their loved ones
  • assessment tips
  • important things to consider (like health care power of attorney and consents) 
  • and more!

Show notes are...

Feb 15, 2018

In this episode, we talk all things urinary catheters: CAUTIs, tips, tricks, internal and external devices, and nursing considerations.

[FREE MINI COURSE] Nursing Report Basics for Med-Surg Nurses (includes my fav med-surg report sheet and my top abbreviations) I would use when taking report! 

Feb 8, 2018

Teamwork is one of those nursing buzzwords, but what does it practically look like during elbow-to-elbow nursing care?

In this episode, we chat tips, what good teamwork feels and looks like, how to be a good team member, and more.

Show notes are located here:


Feb 1, 2018

Join us as we discuss some tips for floating to another nursing unit. We cover how to start out your shift with success in a different environment, questions to ask, how to manage your nerves, and more.

Show notes are located here:

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